lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019


Happy audacity,
the one who smiles in the morning,
and think of the early morning.
Blessed is he who does not fatigue,
who doesn't bite his tongue,
who dreams without sleeping.
Happy destiny,
that tripped him,
and bathes him in doubt.
Happy are the lucky ones,
that get up and come back,
that don't wrinkle.
Blessed is he who has a thousand lives,
dance and smile,
think and learn.
Happy is he who reopens,
hugging feeling like hugging,
stutters from his heartbeat.
Happy are the stories,
with their reasons, doubts
and shit.
Happy weather,
so relative and irrelevant,
as intense and short.
Blessed is the boldness,
when it takes you to the wall,
bleeding to death between verses.
Happy is he who asks forgiveness for the adventure,
who got carried away by the melody,
that melted the light and ran out of light bulbs.
Happy is he who lives these adventures,
that he understands and respects,
who smiles at life.

                                                                  There are still many adventures...

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